Synopsis: A group of classmates try their luck in an abandoned factory on the outskirts of the city. Mizuki Konoe follows them, but a real evil spirit appears in front of her. At that moment, Mizuki transforms into her nun form and destroys the evil spirits one after another. Yes, her true identity is the exorcist Charlotte! The leader of the evil spirits that appear is a demon. Despite her pretty appearance, she is the senior demon Melkis, who wields a terrifying technique! ‘I don’t want to hold back ♡ Let’s get comfortable ♡♡’.Charlotte is attacked by her classmates whose minds are controlled by Melkis. She has lost her weapons and is unable to resist, but the fire of rebellion still burns in her eyes. Charlotte watches with pleasure as her nun’s robes are torn off and her genitals are played with. ‘Holy garments, put them on!’ The air trembled with the cry of “Put on your garments!” Her shapely breasts swayed and her buttocks jutted out. She grasped the weapon that appeared from the light in her left hand and the sword that also appeared in her right hand. Five minutes later, the noble exorcist was covered by a white cloud.

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